Welcome to your art history class! Every student at FIT takes at least one art history class. Your instructor, Mr. Dufour, is charged with providing you a foundation of understanding in art history in preparation for your fall art history class.  The focus in "AH Summer 23" are the "Big Themes": influential art movements, learning to assertively looking at art & write about art and vocabulary acquisition. It is essential, due to the brief time we will be together, for you to follow instructions and complete assignments on time. 

Due to the volume of emails from the EOP office, please use the dedicated art history email for all summer correspondence: arthistorysummer@gmail.com  Again, DO NOT email Mr. Dufour or turn in assignments through his FIT email account. 

Please understand, a majority of this art history survey will focus on Western Art. This is because nearly every year 1 art history course focuses on some aspect/time period of Western Art. Be assured, FIT has an excellent art history department full of professors that have lectured in prestigous places, published numerous books, and pened articles in magazines you never heard of and websites you refuse to visit! The college offers numerous courses that explore diverse cultures and themes, each more engaging than any class you have taken in your life! Our job, during this summer intensive, is to work to develop foundational skills and gain an understanding of large themes so that you can easily get off to a great start in any fall art history course. 

Remember, this is the email you will use to contact Mr. Dufour or his team:


Art History Final Exam 2023 

Use the QR code or clink on the link below. The exam will be available until 8:00am.


Enduring Understandings Days 1 & 3 2023.pdf

Are You Paying Attention?

The slide show on the left reviews those "big concepts" that you need to know!

Kerry James Marshall is an artist who enthusiastically embraces art history. 

Please enjoy the Prezi presentation by watching the videos and studying Mr. Marshall's art. When you are finished, take the quiz below!

Kerry James Marshall Quiz!

Hey! Right There!

Take this fancy quiz. Hint: If you submit mostly correct answers you score could be better.

Due: 9:00am 7/19 

Homework #1

July 6, 2023

Here is your first homework assignment. Unlike that stuff those other professors burden you with, this homework is important and meaningful. 

Please follow the destructions . . . especially that part about the deadline. Unfortunately, this assignment cannot be accepted after the deadline. That's just the way it is! Don't go crying to Ms. Orange! 

Due: Saturday July 8th Before 10:00am